How to build this blog website

Preparation Github Account Needed: First, you need a github account. If you don’t have, don’t know, and don’t even ask google how to do, just see this blog HOW TO GET A GITHUB ACCOUNT. Two Special Repository Needed: Your need to create your repository and fork SlothBlog repository, the forked repository we will call it “shadow repo” in the following content. We also prepare a guide book for this step here....

June 28, 2024 · 2 min · 277 words · RLTEA

How to create a repository

Create Repository Create the io repository Click create repository button, and chose “new repository”. Enter the repository name, which must match the “” format, and don’t forget replace the “username” with yours. Scroll all the way down, and click the “create repository” button. Fork the RoaraeonLiou/SlothBlog repository.

June 28, 2024 · 1 min · 47 words · RLTEA

How to get a github account

Get a Github Account Here is the link of GitHub , click it and sign up a github account. If you really don’t know how to do it, no worry, just follow me. Click sign up button Click the continue button Set password Set username Click the continue button all the way, and follow the guidance of github to verify your account. When you finish the 5th step, you will receive an email, which contains the code that you need to fill in the boxes shown in the following picture....

June 28, 2024 · 1 min · 102 words · RLTEA

How to organize the blogs

Organization See Content Organization. . └── content ├── posts | ├── // <- | ├── happy | | └── // <- | └── // <- └── docs ├── // <- └── // <- Header If you want to do some basic settings for your blog, you can add your own header definition. Fields Basic Header Fields +++ title = "title" description = "write your description" author = "rltea" slug = "define_your_slug" draft = false date = "2024-06-25" lastmod = "2024-06-28" url = "/posts/new_blog" tags = ["new", "blog"] include_tags = ["test", "old"] exclude_tags = ["sloth"] categories = ["new", "blog"] include_categories = ["old", "test"] exclude_categories = ["sloth"] status = "update" +++ blog content As shown in above, between the two “+++” lines, there are the header information of one markdown blog file which in toml format....

June 28, 2024 · 3 min · 562 words · RLTEA

Support Comment

Giscus comment We use the github app giscus to make the comment function works. You need to install this app to your repository, and than configure it in giscus app page, enter your io repository, and choose a mapping rule(we suggest the Discussion title contains page <title> mapping rule). Copy the generated script, copy it in layouts/partials/comment.html.

June 28, 2024 · 1 min · 58 words · RLTEA

Support Latex

Support Latex According to the hugo official document of release v0.122.0, we already make the mathematics support as defalut if you use the default theme PaperMod. If you want to use other themes, make sure that you have set the following config in config/hugo.yaml. markup: goldmark: extensions: passthrough: delimiters: block: - - \[ - \] - - $$ - $$ inline: - - \( - \) - - $ - $ enable: true params: math: true And create the layouts/partials/math....

June 28, 2024 · 1 min · 206 words · RLTEA